Monday, December 17, 2012

A Thousand Apologies

Yes, I'm sorry, I know I haven't written in forever. But I have very good reason. My husband had army training away and he took my computer and got me a new one and I forgot to move all my bookmarks before he left. I had a lot of bookmarks. Way too many. And I couldn't remember the name of my blog or where it was. Which is shameful if you think about it. But I am pretty scatterbrained and have worse memory than a flea and a goldfish combined. 

Anyways, I fixed the office computer and it had some of my bookmarks on them. So yay. I hope I can put posts up again. I'm going to try to make it more regular. At least once a week is my goal. 

Besides that. Porsche is fixed for the most part, it hates this very cold weather we are having though. If it get's below 40 it won't start at all. Still haven't figured out why yet. . .

I've been being followed by that loathsome cloud of self doubt again. Trying to keep my fly swatter handy to keep it away. I'm really trying to get some work done and get my online store up and running. I want to have a bit of merchandise up at least before I release it. I was thinking of creating a video blog to help discuss what's going on and talk about merchandise. A suggestion from a friend. (He's a media student.) lol

I shall get back to work now. Wish me luck. =^.^=

Made these today. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Just a few words.

Just thought I'd jot a few things down. Been busy with work. Several orders coming in. My arthritis as kicked up, so I've been slowing down. So I've been needing to take a day off here and there. I hope that doesn't mean I'm getting my weakness back. I've been so well these past months. Well, mostly healthy anyways. A cold here and there. I just don't want to be bedridden again.

But who cares about that?!

Anyways. We got a new dog. A Shiba Inu. He's smaller than most his breed. 2 Years old. Name is Miko. Sweet dog. It's our first dog that's being a problem. I first dog, Krypto is such a dumb dog. Bother's him. Doesn't take a hint what behavior is unacceptable. It's only been two days with him hear and he seems to be attatched to us already. Had to sleep in bed with us last night. Couldn't be in with the other dog. Freaks out a bit when hubby leaves for work.

Well. Not much more has happened. Another wave of tornadoes hit nearby. From what I've heard, everyone seems okay.

I'm craving Chinese. Some chicken lo mein sounds awesome right now. Why can't some of the ancient chinese secrets get leaked so that everyday people can make some great food instead of going out and buying it?

Thursday, February 9, 2012


So a bit ago I was complaining about not being able to use my nook. I bought a new power cord by the way. And I misplaced it. Lol. Anyways, I haven't used it anyways since I got my new phone. Its an Evo 3D. My first smartphone. Well the blackberry is technically a smart phone but it doesn't really compare. I have too much fun on it. Fabulous graphics. Now I have too many apps. Lol. My most useful one though is a knitting app where it takes reference of my needles, and it has a row counter. It seriously cuts down my knitting time in half with me being able to tap on my phone to count a row instead of writing it down.

Anyways I gotta go. Watching a movie with the hubby. Don't remember what it is. But I got it for him for xmas. ciao

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Friday, January 27, 2012


I'm depressed. Why? Because I haven't been able to use my nook. And I can't use my nook again until after pay day where I can go to Barnes and Noble and get a new charging cable because their designers are idiots and made a cheap pathetic cable. Bleh. HOW WILL I LIVE WITHOUT THE TECHNOLOGY! Just kidding. I don't really have time to read with so many orders to fill right now. But it was nice to have the pattern data base all on my nook.

Meh, another day. Just woke up and I'm in a weird mood. So I thought I would make that post. I'm thirsty. I'm gonna go get a coke.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Things about Knits

So as some know I've been really into knitting lately. And apparently my work is getting quite popular. I started out with just some Harry Potter house hats for my sister and some of her friends. Then for xmas I made a large-movie accurate Ravenclaw scarf. She loved it. I made the slightly smaller Gryfindor scarf of the later years for my mother. She seemed to enjoy it as well. Then on her birthday, which was yesterday, I made her a purple purse with black bamboo handles. I haven't got a picture of it, because my camera was mysteriously missing for the event. But I will get a pic up soon.

My hubby wearing Savs big Ravenclaw scarf

And here's hubby wearing the scarf I made mom. It was a bit smaller obviously. And hubby doesn't like being a model. >,<

By the way these pictures are so nicely provided because hubby got me a new camera for xmas. He's the best. :P